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What is medication management?

Medication management is a collaborative effort between you and your healthcare providers, focusing on understanding your medications, how they work together, and taking them at the appropriate times with the goal of improving your health. As we age, the chance you’ll have to take multiple medications increases, which brings on the risk of drug interactions, side effects, and doubling or missing a dose. Medication management, also called medication therapy management, is vital in maintaining and improving your health and is integral in reducing the risk of medication-related problems.

Who benefits from medication management services?

While anyone who takes a mix of medications (prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and/or dietary supplements) would benefit from medication management services, it’s especially beneficial for those who have several medications or health conditions. Implementing a medication management plan can not only reduce costs, but can also improve care, resulting in better health outcomes. 

Creating a Medication Management Plan

Alongside working with your doctors and pharmacist, here are a few tips to help with prescription medication management: 

  • Document existing medications: Keep an updated list of your prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, including the dosage and why you are taking them.
  • Review medication records for accuracy: Make sure your medication records are up-to-date, including any supplements you’re taking.
  • Check for negative drug interactions: When you add a new medication or supplement to your regimen, you’ll want to make sure they are safe to take with all of your other medications. Your pharmacist should be able to help you navigate this.
  • Document known adverse reactions to medications: Oftentimes, the side effects of a medication are misdiagnosed as symptoms of another problem. Documenting possible side effects of your medications can help prevent further side effects and additional medications that increase the chance of additional interactions.
  • Create a system to keep you organized: Having your medications documented along with using a weekly or monthly pill organizer can help you stay organized and make sure you don’t miss a dose or take an extra dose.

Population Health is a free membership service that can connect you to healthcare benefits—such as medication management resources—in your area. We’re here to simplify healthcare, advocate for you, and ensure you’re getting the most out of all the services available to you.

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