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Maintain Your Health As You Get Older with Free Services Available to You

From maintaining a healthy diet to staying active to getting health screenings, there are various steps you can take to keep up with your health as you age. While it can be difficult to juggle it all, there are a number of resources available to Medicare beneficiaries that can help you maintain a healthier lifestyle. Learn more about the importance of maintaining your health as you age and the various resources and free services for senior citizens that can help.

Importance of Staying Healthy as You Age

There are many steps you can take to maintain your health and function as you get older, such as regularly exercising and partaking in physical activity, which can help reduce the risk of developing diseases and conditions that often occur with aging. Balancing your exercise with a healthy diet is one of the best ways to not only live longer, but to live better. Fortunately, there are a plethora of Medicare services available to Medicare beneficiaries that can help make this healthy lifestyle manageable. 

Services Available to Medicare Beneficiaries & How They Can Help You Stay Healthy

There are a variety of free services available to Medicare beneficiaries, including:

  • Care Coordination: Care coordination organizes your healthcare needs, such as scheduling appointments, connecting you to primary care physicians, monitoring chronic conditions and more. The goal of care coordination is to help you achieve the safest, most effective care, which should result in better health outcomes.
  • SilverSneakers: SilverSneakers is a fitness program offered to Medicare beneficiaries that provides access to gyms and fitness classes. The program is typically offered by both Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans and helps older adults maintain an active lifestyle.
  • Transportation: Many Medicare-eligible individuals qualify for free rides to and from doctor appointments, which can help you make sure you don’t miss any of your appointments.
  • Meal delivery: Many individuals eligible for Medicare can receive free food delivery. Eating nutritious meals is extremely important to maintaining your health and keeping you strong.

Population Health Can Connect You with Resources Today to Help You Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Population Health is a free membership service that can help you easily access the benefits mentioned above that you’re not only entitled to, but can help you maintain a healthier lifestyle. Our team members will take the time to get to know your situation and connect you with the resources available to you.

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